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Site Configuration

At the top of every section in the Settings Portal is the Site Selector.
This is how you select which site you are editing the configuration options for.
This is also where you edit the site's properties and where you will add new sites to your WhosOn instance.

Create New Site

Create New Site is only available to our On-premise customers and only available to the SuperAdmin account for that WhosOn instance.
If you are a cloud customer and you wish to add a new site, please contact your account manager or our customer service team:

Create new site
Set the Site Selector to Show All and select Create New Site + on the right-hand side.

New site configuration

  • Site Name: This is the display name of your site.
  • Domain Name: This is the URL/DNS that WhosOn will be monitoring, it is important that this is accurate to ensure that all WhosOn features will function.
  • Trial Enabled: This will allow you to set an expiry date for the site, useful for ISP customers.
  • Opening Hours: You can set and configure opening hours, described in more detail here: user-settings
  • Set Time Zone: Sets the time zone configured against this site, all chats taken on this site will be recorded under this time zone.
  • Users and Users You Wish To Allocate To This Site: These boxes allow you to select which users are to be assigned to the new site, you can also do this later under individual user settings, described in more details here: user-settings
  • Show Advanced Options: This will rev the advanced options, covered below.

Advanced Options


  • Home Page For This Site: The homepage for your website.
  • Contact Email: The default contact email for this site, this email will receive missed chat notifications as well as any emailed reports.
  • Enable Ticketing: A deprecated feature, provided a ticketing solution with WhosOn.
  • Analyse Chats For Sentiment: This enabled sentiment analysis of chats, WhosOn will score words across all your conversations in order to produce a sentiment score for each chat ranging from 0 (negative) to 100 (positive).

Edit this site

Each monitored site has its own properties and tracking code. To access the site settings, you must first select a site from the site selector and select "Edit This Site".

Tracking Code

The tracking code is designed to track visitors on your website in real time and to allow operators within your organization to interact with those visitors via live chat and proactive engagement. In addition to live visitor tracking WhosOn also provides historical reporting of visitor activity, chat sessions and operator activity. The tracking code can be viewed from the site properties and will need to be copied and paste it into your website page where you would like the chat button to appear.

If using stack chats or the inline chat options you will need to paste this code just before the closing tag for the body to paste this code just before the closing tag for the body 

<!\-- Embedded WhosOn Start \--\>
  <script type="text/javascript\"

  <script type="text/javascript"\>
  <!\-- Embedded WhosOn End \--\>


Opening Hours

The Opening Hours enables you to define the opening hours for the selected site. If you set a time period as inactive then the chat status shown on your web site via the WhosOn Tracking code will show as 'offline' - regardless of operator availability.

Work Periods are used as opening hours and they can be created via going to Add or Edit Work Periods. For more information on configuring work periods see:

Site Time Zone

This option allows you to adjust the time zone on a site-by-site basis.

Site Advanced Options

The Advanced Site Options can be viewed by selecting the "Show Advanced Options" button at the bottom of the site properties page.

  • Home Page For This Site: lets you accurately set the default home page of your website.
  • Contact Email: is required as a global contact for the site.
  • Apply Chat Configuration Lock: lets you lock the chat window design from being changed.

Note: The manual link does not provide visitor tracking only direct access to the chat window.

Manual chat links can be used on any page elements within your site or be used in conjunction with your very own chat button.

You can also use them in Email Signatures or in any other form of document that supports web links.