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Client Administrator Guide

Site Configuration

The Chat UI page gives you the options for designing your chat window as it will appear to users, including window style, Chat Window Size, Chat Window Colour, and logo.

Chat Designer

  • Style WhosOn has two window styles to choose from:

    • Pop-up Window Uses a graphical button, once clicked opens the chat window in a new browser window.
    • Inline Window Uses a text or graphical button, once clicked opens an inline iframe chat window within the current browser tab.
  • Offline Behaviour

    • Show Chat Button -- When enabled, if no agents are logged in an online status, visitors will be presented with a contact form to fill out.
    • Hide Chat Button -- When enabled, no button will appear when no agents are logged in or in an online status.
  • Theme -- WhosOn has predefined themes, Select the theme that you want to use.
  • Color - WhosOn has predefined color, Select the color that you want to use.
    • Background animation - Allows you to apply a background animation to the chat window.

Inline Options

This section will be visible if using the Inline Window style.
Inline Options

  • Button Type Impacts the style of the button:
    • Text Button A text based button for the chat window.
    • Image Button An image based button the chat window, this will present image upload options further down the chat Designer page.
  • Button Position Where on your page the chat button should appear:
    • Bottom Right
    • Bottom Left
    • Top Left
    • Top Right
  • Online Button Text Available for the Text Button only. The text on the chat button when operators available.
  • Offline Button Text Available for the Text Button only. The text on the chat button when operators are not available.

Testing the live chat window can be done from the "Open Chat Window" option below the settings. This will open and new window, that you can test the look and feel. You will need to save any changes you make before they take effect.

Edit UI Configurations

The Chat UI Editor allows you to create configurations that will replace all the text labels inside the chat window for a given language. This includes buttons, labels, warning messages, window titles, and any other piece of text that visitor may see in a chat window that is not sent directly by an agent. This is useful if you want to replace some or all text that is shown to the visitor, either in English or in any other language, or if you want to provide a translation for custom text areas, such as your survey questions.

WhosOn's visitor interface is already set up to work in multiple languages. The language that is loaded for the visitor depends on their browser settings, or is done manually if you are choosing to display the language drop-down (as set in the Settings Portal).

In order to begin editing, you must create a new configuration file. This config file will then overwrite WhosOn's default config for a given language. If you delete a custom config, WhosOn will revert to using the default config for that language.

Start Chat

The Start Chat Options are to fine tune the behaviour of the chat window contents, from adding pre/post chat surveys and visitor waiting message(s).

Start Chat Survey

The Start Chat Survey are pre-chat surveys that presented to visitors before starting a chat.

Waiting Messages

This lets you set one or more waiting messages, that the visitor sees prior to an agent accepting and responding in the chat.

This option should be used to keep visitor engaged before an agent accepts the chat.

Offline Settings

Offline Settings allows a custom message to be displayed or the visitor to be forwarded to a URL if no operator is available or answered the chat within a set timeframe. This can be used to provide visitors a contact number or direct them to your very own contact us page.

Routing Rules

Routing Rules can be use in conjunction with Start Chat Surveys or other information about the customer to route them to different Users based on departments or skills. Chat Routing is condition based: you would set up a condition, for example looking at what option a visitor has chosen from a drop-down box in your Start Chat survey, and you can then route the chat through to a group of users.

Routing Rules also contains advanced options for forwarding or queueing chats that match your conditions.

Creating a Routing Rule

It is highly recommended to use skill-based chat routing, and not department based chat routing

  1. Select Add Chat Routing Rule.
  2. Enter a Route name.
  3. Add a route condition
  4. Route To Department It is strongly recommended to leave this blank. This option will route chats to operators based on the department the operator logged into their Client with.
  5. Select a skill to route to (recommended).

Availability Options

This section lets you set the ONLINE, OFFLINE, BUSY, and OUTSIDE OPENING HOURS behavior of the chat routing rule. You can force operators to accept chats when they are online, send a message outside of opening hours and queue chats if all operators are busy.

  1. Set the option for each agent status.
    a. Online

    • Send To All Online Operators This will send the chat request popup to all Online operators
    • Send To Least Busiest Operator (Forces Auto Accept) This is now the preferred method if you want operators to be automatically given chats as they come through, rather than waiting for the operator to click on the request. This will assign the chat to the least Busy operator i.e. the one with the least number of chat sessions who is allowed to chat and set to Online.
    • Send To All Operators (Regardless Of Status) This will send the chat to all operators that are logged into the client regardless of their status.

    b. Offline

    • Cancel This will cancel the chat request and take the visitor to the Leave A Message screen.
    • Send To Least occupied Operator This is the same as the option within the When Available tab - it will assign the chat to the least busy operator but this time include users who are set to Busy.
    • Send To All Operators This will send the chat to all operators that are logged into the client regardless of their status.
    • Queue Until an operator is online This will put the chat request in a queue until an operator becomes available; as soon as one becomes available they will be sent the chat.
    • Ignore This Rule and move to next rule Will ignore this Chat Routing Rule, forcing it to check the next rule in the list of Chat Routing Rules. If there is no another Chat Routing Rule it will revert to the default behavior.
    • Redirect To URL This will redirect the visitor to a different web page (useful for sending visitors to a contact us page).
    • Show Message / Information - This will display the text you enter within the chat window for the visitor to read. This cancels the visitor's chat request and does not present the Leave A Message screen.

    c. Busy

    • Cancel - This will cancel the chat request and take the visitor to the Leave A Message screen.
    • Queue Until an Operator is Online - This will put the chat request in a queue until an operator becomes available; as soon as one becomes available they will be sent the chat.
    • Ignore This Rule and move to next rule - Will ignore this Chat Routing Rule, forcing it to check the next rule in the list of Chat Routing Rules. If there is no another Chat Routing Rule it will revert to the default behavior.
    • Redirect To URL - This will redirect the visitor to a different web page (useful for sending visitors to a contact us page.
    • Show Message / Information - This will display the text you enter within the chat window for the visitor to read. This cancels the visitor's chat request and does not present the Leave A Message screen.

    d. Outside of Opening hours

    • Cancel - This will cancel the chat request and take the visitor to the Leave A Message screen.
    • Ignore Opening hours -- This will bypass the opening hours and send chats to online operators.
    • Ignore This Rule and move to next rule - Will ignore this Chat Routing Rule, forcing it to check the next rule in the list of Chat Routing Rules. If there is no another Chat Routing Rule it will revert to the default behavior.
    • Redirect To URL - This will redirect the visitor to a different web page (useful for sending visitors to a contact us page.
    • Show Message / Information - This will display the text you enter within the chat window for the visitor to read. This cancels the visitor's chat request and does not present the Leave A Message screen.


To enable queuing of chats, "When BUSY Do The Following Action" needs to be set to "Queue until an operator is online". This will enable the queuing properties below.

Queue Messages

  • Initial Message This will be the initial message that the visitor is sent, normally informing the visitor that they are waiting in a queue.
  • Waiting Message This will appear a few seconds after the chat has been in the queue, just to let the visitor know that they are still within the queue.
  • Full Message This will be the message that is presented to the visitor if the queue is full.
  • Expiry Message This message will be sent to the visitor when the Maximum Actual Time In Queue has been reached to inform the visitor that they are unable to connect to any of your operators.
  • Transfer In Message This message will be displayed to a visitor who has had their chat transferred to this queue.


  • Maximum Chats In Queue This number determines how many visitors you will allow within the chat queue. When this number is reached the visitors will get sent to the Leave A Message screen rather than be put into your queue.
  • Maximum Expected Time In Queue This is the maximum expected time a visitor will wait in the queue. WhosOn will calculate the average time visitors have been waiting and if this exceeds what you have set in the expected time then WhosOn will cancel the chat session. If set to 0 or left unchecked, then it is unlimited.
  • Maximum Actual Time In Queue This is the maximum allowed time that a visitor can spend in the queue, when this time is reached the chat session is ended and the visitor is presented with the Expiry Message. If set to 0 or left unchecked, then it is unlimited.

Queue Variables

There are variables that can be used within the text areas available within the chat:

  • %position% - This will display to the visitor their position within the queue.
  • %expected% - This will display the expected time they will be waiting in the queue.
  • %count% - This will display the total number of visitors currently queued.

Condition Builder

The following area of the help explains the Condition Builder available within several areas of the WhosOn product, its functionality and the properties available within it.

The Condition Builder is used to create an If statement.

  • In the And/Or column you select whether the condition will be an And or an Or to the previous conditions in the list. The condition builder contains no way of segmenting conditions so only use And or Ors for every condition, do not mix and match.
  • The next column contain a list of built-in and all your pre-chat survey fields.
  • In the Is column you select one of the following:
    • Equal To
    • Not Equal To
    • Less Than
    • Greater Than
    • Less Than Or Equal To
    • Greater Than Or Equal To
    • Is Blank
    • Is Not Blank
    • Contains
    • Does Not Contain
    • Starts With
    • In List
    • Not in List
    • Matches
  • In the Value column you enter a value to compare against, you can either select another variable or free type some text.

The Add button enables you to add another line that can be an AND or OR condition.


In addition to pre-chat survey field results, the If condition can make use of the following visitor properties:

  • %name% The visitors name entered on the chat window.
  • %company% The visitors company if entered on the pre-chat survey or as entered on the visitor contact record.
  • %email% The visitors email address if entered on the pre-chat survey or on the visitor contact record or captured during previous chats.
  • %domain% The domain name for the current site.
  • %dns% The visitors DNS name (the reverse DNS of their IP address).
  • %department% The department selected on the chat if pre-selection is in use or the department specified in the chat URL.
  • %country% The visitors geo-ip country from their IP address.
  • %city% The visitors geo-ip city from their IP address.
  • %chatted% Will be 'True' if the visitor has chatted already during their current visit, 'False' otherwise.
  • %invited% Will be 'True' if the visitor has been invited to chat during their current visit 'False' otherwise.
  • %organization% The visitors geo-ip organization name from their IP address.
  • %dayofweek% The current day number 1 being Sunday, 2 Monday etc.
  • %date% The current date in the Short Date style of the WhosOn computer (eg: mm/dd/yyyy).
  • %time% The current time in the Short Time style of the WhosOn computer (eg: h:mm).
  • %language% The language of the visitor from their browser settings. This will be a 2 character language code.
  • %ip% The visitor's IP address.
  • %currentpage% The page on your site that the visitor is currently viewing.
  • %previouspages% The previous pages visited.
  • %previouspage% The previous page visited.
  • %os% The operating system that the visitor is using.
  • %browser% The browser that the visitor is using.
  • %referrer% The visitors referrer (the site that the visitor clicked on to get to your site).
  • **%firstreferrer% The visitors referrer from their first visit to your site.
  • %keywords% The keywords used when the visitor search for your site.
  • %pagesviewed% The number of pages the visitor has viewed on your site during their current visit.
  • %minsonsite% The number of minutes the visitor has been active on your site.
  • %visits% The total number of visits that the visitor has made to your site (including the current one).
  • %notisp% Will be 'True' of the visitor geo-ip Organization is not an ISP. This will normally be larger organizations that have their own static IP address registered to themselves.
  • %onlineskillslist% The list of skills of users currently online.
  • %operatorsonline% The number of operators that are in an online status.
  • %onlineuserlist% The list of users currently online.
  • You can create complex Skill Selection Rules by making use of these properties in addition to the pre-chat survey results.


Example with pre-chat survey field. This assumes you have created a field called 'Product' which the visitor can enter to select the product they are interested in before starting the chat and a field called 'ModelNumber':

End Chat

Post-Chat Survey

End chat survey give you the option for closing message and rating. You can also add a link for external survey site.

Wrap Up

This allows you to set a wrap up survey for an operator to select as part of the chat session. This is useful for reporting purposes to categorize each chat.

  • Wrap Up Is Required This enforces a wrap up to be selected before the chat can be closed
  • ** Show Wrap Up When** This designate when wrap ups to be displayed to operator. Available options:
    • Chat Session Starts
    • Chat Session Ends
    • Operator Closes
  • Select Value Using This display one of the following types of wrap ups layout
    • Buttons
    • List
    • Menu
    • Link


Chat tags allow users to tag chats with snippets of information. This section is where you configure the available tags for users to use. This can be used as a more dynamic form of a wrap up. Where the wrap up allows only a single option per chat a user can assign any number of tags to the chat.


Operator Options

This section lets you configure the pending chats levels and additional client features.

  • Waiting Chats Show First Warning After (Seconds): The colour of the pending chat session changes to orange (?) and sends a notification reminder to the Clients after X seconds

  • Waiting Chats Show Second Warning After (Seconds) The colour of the pending chat session changes to red and sends a final notification reminder to the Clients after X seconds

  • Operators Can Send Emojis This enables operators' modern client to display the emoji selector, that can be sent to visitors during a chat session.

  • Enable Operator Preview of Visitor Typing This provides operators the ability to visually see what the visitor is typing in Realtime prior to chat text being sent across to the operator.

Operator Custom Tab

This configuration lets operators having the ability to view a populated web form that is external to WhosOn, you can populate the Custom Client Form with a URL to a particular page or form and this will load alongside the chat session for the operator. This can be used for further feedback from the operator or a custom CRM page for populating further customer information with.

In Chat

Document Transfer

This option is used to enable the File transfer options between visitor and operator to be available during chat sessions.

  • Allowed File Extensions Enter the list of file extensions you will allow to be uploaded. The default extensions are pdf, doc, docx, rtf, txt, jpg, gif, bmp, xml but you can add as any as you may require.
  • Allow Operators to Send Documents Select this option to allow operators to be able to send files to visitors during chat sessions for the current site.
    • Remove Operator Documents After (Days) The WhosOn Server keeps a copy of files transferred so that they can be easily selected on future chat sessions. Enter the number of days that the files sent by visitors should be kept on the server.
  • Remove Visitor Documents After (Days) Enter the number of days that the files sent by visitors should be kept on the server.
  • Visitor Can Upload Documents Select if you would like visitors to be able to send documents during a chat session, and if it should require operator permission.

Inactive Settings

The inactive settings allow pre-defined messages to be sent automatically if both the operator or visitor doesn't respond within the specified time.

Automatic Chat Closure are to be used to prevent inactive chats to remain with an agent without a response for a long period.

Chat Languages

  • Default UI Language This section lets you select the default language the user interface in displayed on initial load (recommended to leave as Detect From Visitors Browser).

Text Rules

This option is used to define the site's Chat text rules to restrict certain content from being sent to the operator to visitor or from visitor to operator. Default option are to restrict profanity and Finance information such as credit card numbers.

Use the Add Text Rule button to add a new rule, Edit to alter an existing rule and Delete Rule to remove a rule from the list. You are also able to alter the rules order of action by moving the highlighted rule up and down using the arrow icons.

Edit Chat Text Rule

  • Add Condition Using the Condition Builder, in conjunction with the variable '%chatline%', you can build rules based on Matches of text using regular expression or any of the other Condition Builder Properties.
  • THEN send the following message to the VISITOR In place of the detected value the WhosOn chat window will display the text that you enter to the visitor only, e.g. 'For added security your credit card number has been hidden.'.
  • AND send the following message to the OPERATOR In place of the detected value the WhosOn chat window will display the text that you enter to the operator only, e.g. 'The visitor has entered a credit card number. This has been excluded from the chat content for security reasons.'.
  • Send Message As You are able to alter the identity of the text's sender. It can either be the operator or a name of your choosing, such as 'Automated Rule' or ' Chat Administrator'.
  • Block Sending of message This allows the chat line to be removed from the chat session completely.
  • Replace Chat Line Text Mask With This replaces the matching characters or words with the text character of your choosing, e.g. '#'.
  • Close Chat Session This will automatically close the chat session for both the visitor and the operator.
  • Stop Processing Further Rules This will mean that no further rules in your list are met for this chat line.
  • Process Rule For This allows you to select whether the rule is processed for messages sent from the visitor or the operator.

Data Retention

WhosOn can automatically remove visit, page view & exception records from the WhosOn Database that are older than the number of days specified. The Data Deletion section also allows GDPR compliant by Anonymising visit record.

Traffic History

  • Enable Store Site Visit History (recommended) to have WhosOn retain visitor traffic history.
  • Enable Automatically Delete Old Visit Data to have WhosOn
    • Delete Visitor Records and Page & Exception Details for x amount of days.

Chat Record History

  • Enable Automatically Delete Old Chat Data (only if this is a requirement) to Delete or Anonymise Records older than x amount of days.
    Note: Once this option is enabled records will be deleted from the database permanently.

Chat Storage & Privacy

For more information on Chat Storage & Privacy, Please see our guide to your GDPR options:

  • Always keep chat transcripts
    The default option, this will store full transcript and header information

  • Keep chat transcript unless visitor opts out
    The visitor is presented with an option in the post-chat survey that allows them to remove their chat from storage.

  • Store chat text only when visitor allows it in survey (full header stored) The visitor is given an option in the pre-chat survey that allows them to remove their chat transcript from storage. The customer must pick an option to continue to the chat.

  • Store chat text only when visitor allows it in survey (header anonymised) The visitor is given an option in the pre-chat survey that allows them to remove their chat transcript and chat details from storage. Survey fields that link to contact records, and information such as Name and IP address are removed. The customer must pick an option to continue to the chat.

When the survey field is presented, the text and display of the options in the survey can be configured through the Chat UI Configuration


In the user settings, you can create/modify user's account and create and assign users to groups. To access the WhosOn Client, each user must have a user account set up for them. You can add a user via Add button at the top of the screen, and selecting "Add User"

Editing Users

To Edit a user, select a user from the list to bring up their settings

Creating Users

When creating a user's account, you must enter a Username, Password, Email and a Name, which are required fields. All other options are optional but will help your users have the best WhosOn experience.

  • Email address Email Address is required so that WhosOn can send password reset emails to that user via self-reset option.
    • Job Title The job title of that particular user.
  • Department The department that the user works under (Please note that this field is also used in chat routing).
  • Max Concurrent Chats Users can chat to more than one visitor at a time, once they hit their max active chats number then they will be marked as busy and not receive any further chat notifications.
  • User Group Allows selected user to be assign to an existing user group. Users in a group will have their permissions inherited from the group.
  • Work period Users belonging to a Work Period will have their status automatically changed at the beginning and end of their Work Period.
    • Avatar Allows you to assign an image file to this user. If assigned, the image will appear in the chat window logo box once the user has connected to the chat session.

Assigned Sites The Assigned Sites contains a list of the sites that this user will be able to take chats from. There should be at least one site in the User Assigned Sites list for this user to be able to chat.
Site selection

User Rights

Under User Rights, you can set up set up permissions for each user to determine exactly what they are able to access inside WhosOn.

  • User role

    • User Role This role has no access to the Settings Portal or Data Portal and can only access the Client interfaces.
    • Supervisor Role This role has limited access to the Settings Portal to only create/modify normal user accounts.
    • Administrator Role This role has full access to all features in the settings portal.
  • Client Options Settings that will override the WhosOn client-side settings. For example, an administrator can set the timeout for the client here

When editing a user, you will have the same display options as creating a new user. Any changes that you make here will require the user to log out of the Client before the changes take effect.

User Rights

  • Can edit site settings Allows users to be able to access the settings portal (Admin roles only)
  • Can view summary data Allow users access to view client summary dashboard
  • Can take chats Allows users to be able to accept chats
  • Can respond to missed chat Allows users to respond to missed chats
  • Can monitor other users chat sessions Allows users to monitor other users' chats.
  • Can view reports Allow users access to WhosOn charts and reports.
  • Can chat to other users Allow users to chat to other operators.
  • Can delete closed chats Allow users to be able to delete chats from WhosOn.
  • Can start cobrowse sessions Allows users to cobrowse.

Creating and Editing User Groups

User Groups are an easy way of controlling the options and permissions of a group of users. When you create a User Group you will set the key options for your Users -- this includes the Basic and Advanced Options -- and the selected rights will be inherited to any Users you create inside or move into the group.

If you are planning on creating multiple users, it is recommended that you create the group's first to save time by not having to edit each user's rights separately. Once a User is in a group you can change their options individually, but they will never have access to a setting that is not available for the group.


User skills are used to refine each user or group skills level and can be used as part of chat routing.

Creating a Skill

  1. Select Add to add a skill
  2. Enter a Skill name
  3. Assign skill to a site.
  4. Save Skill


Articles are pre-set responses that will be visible to all users. Articles contain a subject, which will appear to users who are searching Articles, and content that will be sent during a chat.

Articles are automatically searchable based on their content or subject. You can also add keywords which will allow WhosOn to suggest the best possible response based on the keywords set.

Creating an Article

  1. Select Add to add an article
  2. Enter an article subject and its content
  3. Add keywords (Optional)
  4. Add attachment (Optional) --
  5. Assign canned response to site(s)
  6. Save

Work Period

Work period is used to define the site opening hours or can be assigned on an individual user. When a work period is assigned to a user/group, the user's status will automatically change to an online or offline status at the start and end of the work period, if the user(s) are logged in.

You can create word periods by using the default working days (Mon -- Fri, 9 to 5) or define your very own hours by entering the Start and End Time for each day. Work period(s) can be created with or without breaks.


This section allows Administrator/Supervisor the ability to upload files that can be used during chats, such as a guide or help files. It displays the File Name, Date uploaded, Last Access, File size, and the username of the user to whom uploaded the file(s).

Each file can be manged using the options at the top:
Download File -- Download a copy of the file.

Pin File -- Pin File so it appears at the top of the files list and prevent file from automatically removed.

Delete File -- Permanently delete the file from the server.