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ChatGPT and WhosOn

ChatGPT bots can now be used with WhosOn. Offering superior capabilities to existing bot integrations. Powered by ThinkAutomation, ChatGPT bots inside WhosOn have the potential to be incredibly powerful.

How to setup a ChatGPT bot:

A 'ThinkAutomation Endpoint' is required to continue. Please reach out to the WhosOn support team to acquire this.

A WhosOn bot license key is required to continue. Please reach out to the WhosOn support team to acquire this.

A ChatGPT bot can be created via the settings portal. Log into your settings portal, and head to 'User Settings' >> 'Bots' >> 'Add Bot'

You will now see the Add Bot screen, here you can specify all aspects of your bot. The ChatGPT bot type will be selected by default.

First, we need to configure the basic properties of your new bot:

  • User Name - This is the name of your bot
  • Full Name - This is the full name of your bot, you can set it to be equal to the 'User Name'
  • Skills - You can add the skills that you want your bot to have access to here
  • Work Period - You can define what time of the day your bot is active for. E.g., you can define a 9AM - 5PM work period for your bot, during which time it will be active, and inactive outside of this time.
  • Sites - These are the sites that your bot will be active on

Next, we can configure the ChatGPT aspects of your bot. There's a lot here, so lets look at each field in detail:

  • ThinkAutomation Public Endpoint - This is the long URL that our support team will have provided to you. Copy it into this field. Once present, the WhosOn settings portal will automatically link up to ThinkAutomation (the service powering the ChatGPT bots).

  • Pre-chat survey field to use as subject - If you host ThinkAutomation yourself, and you want to better log your bot chats in the message store, you can define a custom pre-chat survey field to send to ThinkAutomation. It is okay to leave this field blank.

  • ChatGPT System Prompt - ChatGPT works by 'telling' it what to do. You can use this field to define your bot's behaviour. The text entered into this field will always be included in the ChatGPT conversation. Here's some examples of how you can set your system prompt field:

    • "You're a live-chat bot active on the WhosOn website. Your role is to answer questions about WhosOn, and reject questions relating to anything else. Use information provided to you from the WhosOn knowledge store to calculate your response. Ensure your responses are created using information from the knowledge store, and do not make up incorrect information. If you cannot find the answer to the question in the knowledge base, inform the visitor that you cannot answer their query at that time."
    • "You are now operating on the SuperFit Gym website. Use the knowledge store of the gym to answer questions about membership, class schedules, and gym equipment. Do not provide nutrition or personal training advice. If a visitor asks for such advice or if the answer isn't in the knowledge base, politely inform them that you cannot assist with their request."
    • "You're on the "TechTalk" forum, a platform for tech enthusiasts to discuss gadgets. Your role is to provide factual information about gadgets from the database, not to engage in debates or express opinions."
    • Knowledge Store - Your ChatGPT bot is unique in that it is capable of pulling information from a knowledge store that you can modify. When a visitor chats with your bot, the bot will locate the most relevant articles in the knowledge store, and use that information to construct a response. An individual article can be a wealth of information regarding a single topic. For example, for our own ChatGPT bot on the site, this 'ChatGPT and WhosOn' article you're reading now is a singular article in our bot's knowledge store.

    Using the knowledge store browser in the 'add bot' screen, you can view existing articles, add new ones and delete. You can search for an article, and also edit existing articles by clicking on it in the list. You can also upload files.

Important - ensure your files are formatted correctly. You may upload many file formats, but they will be processed by ThinkAutomation. Processing affects files like so:
Markdown / .md - Articles created based on heading ('#'). Each heading and the content under it will be it's own article
.pdf, .docx - Articles created per page. Each page of the document will be it's own article
Text / .txt - Not processed. Ensure each text file is it's own article

The knowledge store can also be used to introduce new behaviour to the bot. For example, if you host ThinkAutomation yourself, and you want ChatGPT to send an email when the human visitor asks it to, you could add a knowledge base article like this:

Title: Sending an email  
Content: When the visitor asks you to send an email to them, please take their email address and include the tag '\[EMAIL\]' in your response  

You can then have ThinkAutomation identify the email tag in ChatGPT's response, and trigger the sending of an email to the visitor.

By default, there will be a 'Transfer' article inside the knowledge store. Deleting this will prevent ChatGPT from triggering transfers to human operators when requested. If you delete this article, and need to add it back, please contact the WhosOn support team.

  • Chat Window - You can test your bot directly in the add bot / edit bot screen. Any changes you make to the System Prompt or Knowledge Store will be made instantly, so you can test their effects in this chat window. Clicking the regenerate button above the chat window will create a new conversation.
  • Relevancy Table - Since your bot pulls in the most relevant articles to construct it's response, it is useful to see which articles it is using. You can see what articles have been chosen for different questions, and then add new articles if the bot doesn't have the knowledge store articles for a particular question.