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Welcome to WhosOn 2019 Developer Documentation.

WhosOn 2019 provides a set of APIs that will allow you to interact with your WhosOn server, and build applications that link to or modify the live chat experience.

Backend API

The Backend Data API transports data from the WhosOn server into another data source. This can be by webhook, or by pushing the data into Azure Cosmos.

Channel API

The Channel API is used to add extra sources of messaging in to WhosOn. Using this API you could create a custom messaging interface, or integrate with something like a third-party SMS provider.

Chat API

Using the Chat API you could make a chat window that connects directly to the WhosOn server. Most use cases should use the Channel API, but if a simple, direct local application is what is needed, then the chat API can be used.

Client API

The Client API powers the live chat agent's connection to the WhosOn Server. With this API you can build your own live chat client. We use this API directly in our webclient.

Custom Bot Builder

You can use the Custom Bot Builder to directly inject custom code into the WhosOn Bot Service. This could be a bot that runs inside your own infrastructure, or to integrate with a third-party bot framework that we don't support.


Use the OData API to perform complex queries against the WhosOn data. This is designed for more adhoc analysis using tools such as PowerQuery.

Some dashboard builds can use this interface, although for heavy usage it is recommended to use the Backend API to offload the data to your own service.